About the Wednesday Evening Sing-In

Wednesday Evening “Sing-In” Events — on Zoom (and sometimes in person, too)

Need a mid-week lift to your spirit? Join Cathy & Dick for our drop-in Wednesday Evening Sing-In. We’ll meet in Barnard Park in Esquimalt when the weather is good, and always include a Zoom option for those from out of town, or who want to stay cosy at home. We’ll include songs that are satisfying and beautiful to sing and relatively easy to learn in a short time. There is no performance pressure, plenty of fun, and opportunities to connect with each other and build supportive community.

Register for Our Wednesday Sing-In

Click here to Register with Zoom for Cathy & Dick’s weekly Wednesday Evening Sing-In, 7:00–8:30pm Pacific Time. You will receive an email with instructions on connecting to the event, and then in the hours before each Sing-In, you’ll get another email with an updated link and password, and an email with lyrics for the day’s songs, and saying whether we will sing in the park that day.


When the first outbreak of COVID-19 happened in March 2020, the Gettin’ Higher Choir immediately pivoted to online practices, and carried on learning songs as ever, producing several fundraising concerts featuring “virtual choir” videos. But since everyone was online and we weren’t geographically constrained, we felt we didn’t need to have our three weekly practice times to be “choir practice” for concert material.

So, we decided to make Wednesday night an easygoing singalong and community-building time with us from our home on Zoom, and that has carried on every week since then. We are delighted to have made friends from around the world through this channel. In time we added the idea of moving outdoors and inviting singers around when the weather is good, still connecting with our Zoom friends with our iPad on a stand in the park.

Screenshot: Thanks to Sheila Ginsberg

Photo: Thanks to Rebekah Demirel


For our drop-in Wednesday Evening Sing-Ins and Thursday Outside Voices, you need to sign up for email notices, but there is not a set fee—we want you singing with us! And if you feel that you can offer to contribute, the way you would for a movie or a yoga class, your gift will be gratefully received. (Note: we are not a registered charity)