
links to singing related items & info

Page Menu
GHC Related Items    Ubuntu/CCLT Choirs & Leaders
Voice Training & Care    Singing, Health & Community     General Sources


If you come across articles, cartoons, web pages, etc. about singing that might interest visitors to this site please submit them, or a link to them, for possible posting on this page.   Be sure to include authorship/source information so we can give due credit and whatever author/source contact information you have in case we have to secure permission to post the material.

Please submit to:

We can make no guarantees that everything presented in the items that the links on this page will lead you to will be valid in fact or safe to act on.    As always on the internet you must make your own decisions about what to consider valid and you must take full responsibility for any actions you base on those decisions.  We offer these links solely to assist you in exploring the world of song.

if any of the links below do not work
please notify us at the above email address.

GHC Related Items

Link & Submitter
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
20160605 Victoria’s Gettin’ Higher Choir model for singers around the globe or click here
      (Submitted by: Denis Donnelly, GHC & Soundings Director)
20140401 Getting There: As we near the tipping point…it’s time to start singing. by Gen Miller
      (Submitted by: Bill Hanson, GHC Bass etc.)
20111009 Riff Buddy
   (Created by: Dale Shpak, GHC Monday Tenor)
A free audio file player with continuous looping capability. A great tool for practicing parts!
Computer Program
20110629 Anyone Can Sing
   (Written by: Jerry Hayes, GHC Tuesday Bass)
Article in the James Bay Beacon
20110612 The Gettin’ Higher Choir: Singing to help the world
(Written by Tomas Jackson, GHC Monday Tenor)
Article in the Seaside Times
2008 05 13

The Hearts Of Africa by Sarah Petrescu Mar. 16/08
      (Submitted by: Siobhan Robinsong)



Article in the Times Colonist

Our CCLT/Ubuntu Choirs & Leaders

Link & Submitter
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
2015 03 01 Ecoes of Peace
      (from a Facebook post by: Sara Thomsen CCLT2 – 2005/06)
2015 02 16
Interview on CBC’s North by Northwest Feb. 15/15
      (from a Facebook post by: Vanessa Richards CCLT6 – 2009/10)
(starts 9 min. 30 sec in)
2013 11 08
Ubuntu + Tom Tyre
(Submitted by: Cheryl Teh CCLT7 – 2010)
2012 07 15
The Ubuntu Choir
(Director: Elizabeth Melvin CCLT7 – 2010)
2012 07 05
You Gotta Sing! Chorus  
(Concert Video – Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT8-2011)
Filmed at the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 22, 2012.
2012005 08
The Gift Of Song Is In All Of Us  
(Halifax Herald – Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT8-2011)
2012 02 01
Music That Makes A Difference  
(Halifax Herald – Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT8-2011)
2008 09 28
Sing For The Joy Of It 
(Submitted by: Sylvia Wende CCLT 2 – 2005/6)

2008 05 01


In The Key Of Everyone
(from: CCLT listserve)

Voice Training & Care

Link & Submitter
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
2017 01 15 The Neuroscience of Singing
(Submitted by Matti Anttila former GHC Bass)
Video Tutorial
3 Tips for How To Sing High Notes
(Frances Strauss GHC Tues/Thurs Soprano & Cathy Baker by GHC Thurs Soprano & CCLT13-2016 grad)
Video Tutorial
2015 02 02 Voice FAQs by “National Center for Voice & Speach” (U.S.)
(Submitted by Jackie MacDonald GHC Monday Soprano)
Frequently Asked Question & Answer List
2013 02 14 How to sing in 10 easy steps by Kurt Knecht
(Submitted by Elizabeth Melvin CCLT7 – 2010)
Article (humor)

2012 05 26


DEBORAH MILLAR:  (1957 to 2012)
Finding her authentic voice, speaking her truth

(Submitted by Siobhan Robinsong, GHC & HNC Director)

Artticle & Audio Interview


2012 02 21


How to sing ~ Bob Chilcott
(Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)

YouTube Video


2012 02 10 7 Ways to be a better singer ~ Chris Rowbury
(Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
FaceBook Post
2008 05 01

Singing, Health & Community

Link & Submitter
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of

        (Submitted by Ava Williams, a young music student
        who liked  this page and wanted to add to it.)



Web list
20170802 Barbara McAfee – Oral Singing Benefits
        (Submitted by Bill Hanson, GHC multi-night Bass etc.)
TEDx Talk (& Sing)
20161218 The Harmony Project
        (Submitted by Doug Woodall, former GHC & HNC Bass)
News Article & Video
20160425 Brian Eno – Singing:Key to a long life
        (A Facebook post by Jennifer Noxon CCLT12 – 2015)
Web Article
20151120 Feeling Isolated? Try Choral Singing
        (A Facebook post by Julia Adams CCLT9 – 2012)
Web Article
20151120 Humans’ Love For Music Explained
        (A Facebook post by Craig Green CCLT3 – 2006/7, GHC Site Visitor)
Web Article
20151113 Choir Singing improves health, happiness – and is the perfect ice-breaker
       (A Facebook post by Julia Adams CCLT9 – 2012)
Web Article
20150630 Smoking Effects: Singing A Different Tune
        (suggested by Sharon Campbell, GHC Site Visitor)
Web Article
20150213 Health Benefits of Singing
        (from a post shared on Soundings FaceBook page)
2014 0316 Why I Joined A Choir (and why it’s the best)
        (Submitted by Kitty Lloyd GHC Monday Alto)
201308 18 Singing Changes Your Brain
        (Submitted by Denis Donnelly GHC & Soundings Director)
2013 07 09 Singers’ Hearts Beat As One
        (Submitted by Myrna Fisher GHC Tuesday Alto)
2013 04 25 Singing and psychological well-being
        (Submitted by Anu Patel GHC & Soundings Alto)
2011 11 16 Singing in a choir ‘brings both health and happiness’
        (Submitted by Anu Patel GHC & Soundings Alto)
2010 10 01 ‘Oxytocin and singing’:
When we sing together, our bodies release oxytocin, the hormone that creates bonding, trust and love. There’s lots on the internet about it.  The link above takes you to a Google search results page on it.
(Siobhan Robinsong, GHC & HNC Founding Director
From her Oct 1/10 newsletter Admin Notes)
2010 08 11 Music benefits the brain, research reveals
        (Submitted by Matti Anttila GHC Bass)
2010 07 08 Damaged Brains Re-Wired By Singing
        (Submitted by Matti Anttila GHC Bass)
2010 04 30 The Benefits Of Singing
        (Submitted by Anu Patel GHC & Soundings Alto)
2010 02 12 A Tip from the Happiness Project
(Submitted by Vanessa Richards CCLT 6 – 2009/10)
2009 11 20 Sing Two Songs And Call Me In The Morning
(Submitted by Susan Lea GHC Tuesday Alto)
2009 08 28 What Do Singing, Throats And The Vagus Nerve Have To Do With Orgasm?
(Submitted anonymously by a bashful Bass)
2009 06 19 Belting Out Home On The Range
(Submitted by Gertie Jocksch, GHC Monday Soprano)
2008 10 22 The Amazing Power Of Music
(Submitted by Matti Anttila, former GHC Bass)
Web Page
2008 08 26 Keeping body and soul in tune
(submitted by: Denis Donnelly)
2008 05 01
2008 05 01
2008 05 01
How Singing Unlocks The Brain Article
2008 05 01
The Singing-Health Connection Article
2008 05 01 Make A Joyful Noise Article
2008 05 01 The Music Species Article

General Sources

Link & Submitter
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
20200515 A Musical Playground for Kids: Music Theory Lessons
(Submitted by Anna, a Girl Scout who discovered our page and offered us another good link!)
Music Theory Lessons
20151106 Score Big With Singing Resources
(Submitted by Lindsay Harmon, a visitor to this page)
Web links page
20150717 Singing Ourselves Home by Sophia Efthimiou
     (From a FaceBook post by Marion Van Namen CCLT9 2012)
TEDx Video
20150407 The Importance Of Choir by “John Rutter”
     (Submitted independently by: Tom Ovanin HNC Bass & Mary Lynch HNC, and former GHC, Soprano)
YouTube Video
20150227 Tunes that we carry by “Rebel with a label maker” blogger
     (Linked from a FaceBook post by Kathy Green CCLT11 2014)
Blog post
20150204 Recording during singing workshops and choir rehearsals – why, what and when?
     (Submitted by Cari Burdett CCLT3 – 2006/7)
Web Page
20141013 CBC’s DNTO – Why Singing Is Powerful
     (Submitted by Don Elliott GHC Monday Bass)
Radio Podcast
20140930 Use what talents you possess….
     (From sharings on FaceBook)
20140820 The Benefits Of Singing
     (From the Daily Om web site sent in by Lynn Goodacre a friend of a choir member)
2014 0502 One Anthem One Country
     (From FaceBook post by Marion Van Namen CCLT9 2012)
Artticle & Video
2014 0502 7 Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Singing With Others
     (From FaceBook post by Marion Van Namen CCLT9 2012)
2013 12 17 A Capella Music & Theatre
     (with thanks to Zoe of for the link)
Web Page
2013 06 07 ‘Imperfect Harmony’:
How Singing With Others Changes Your Life

(Submittee by Denis Donnelly GHC & Soundings Director and Arranger
NPR Radio interview
2013 01 30 Testimonial for musicians ~ Liz Young (Davis, CA)
(Submittee by Laura Sandage CCLT8 2011
2012 04 06 What do we mean by “community choir?” ~ Chris Rowbury
     (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
Blog Article
2012 03 22 There are plenty of good reasons to sing
~ Chris Rowbury
     (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
Blog Article
2012 02 10 From the front of the choir ~ Chris Rowbury
Thoughts from a freelance community choir leader in the UK
     (Submitted by Bill Hanson)
Blog Articles List
2011 09 11 Boston Conservatory Welcoming Address
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2011 05 17 Does Singing Make You Happy?
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2011 02 02 Your brain on improv
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2011 01 21 Why we love music
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2010 12 10 Harmonizing with the Universe
      (Submitted by Robin June Hood, GHC Soprano)
2010 01 08 Why We Sing by Derrick Ashong
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, GHC & Soundings Alto)
2009 03 04 World Harmony Folk
      (added as a link exchange)
Web Site
2008 09 19 Freestyling by: Brian Eno
(submitted by: Craig Green, CCLT 3 – 2006/7)
2008 05 13
A – Z of Singing Articles Web Site
2008 05 13
Explore Your Voice Web Site
2008 05 13
Voice Studio Web Site
2008 05 13 Amazing videos of vocal chords in action Video Clips
2008 05 13 Love To Sing ~ Singing thoughts & tips Web Site

Our CCLT/Ubuntu Choirs & Leaders

Link & Submitter 
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
2015 03 01 Ecoes of Peace
      (from a Facebook post by: Sara Thomsen CCLT2 – 2005/06)
2015 02 16
Interview on CBC’s North by Northwest Feb. 15/15
      (from a Facebook post by: Vanessa Richards CCLT6 – 2009/10)
(starts 9 min. 30 sec in)
2013 11 08
Ubuntu + Tom Tyre    
     (Submitted by: Cheryl Teh CCLT7 – 2010)
2012 07 15
The Ubuntu Choir    
     (Director: Elizabeth Melvin CCLT7 – 2010)
2012 07 05
You Gotta Sing! Chorus      
     (Concert Video – Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT8-2011)
Filmed at the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 22, 2012.
2012005 08
The Gift Of Song Is In All Of Us      
     (Halifax Herald – Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT8-2011)
2012 02 01
Music That Makes A Difference      
     (Halifax Herald – Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT8-2011)
2008 09 28
Sing For The Joy Of It 
     (Submitted by: Sylvia Wende CCLT 2 – 2005/6)

2008 05 01


In The Key Of Everyone 
     (from: CCLT listserve)

Voice Training & Care

Link & Submitter 
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
2017 01 15 The Neuroscience of Singing
     (Submitted by Matti Anttila former GHC Bass)
Video Tutorial
  3 Tips for How To Sing High Notes
     (Frances Strauss GHC Tues/Thurs Soprano & Cathy Baker by GHC Thurs Soprano & CCLT13-2016 grad)
Video Tutorial
2015 02 02 Voice FAQs by “National Center for Voice & Speach” (U.S.)
     (Submitted by Jackie MacDonald GHC Monday Soprano)
Frequently Asked Question & Answer List
2013 02 14 How to sing in 10 easy steps by Kurt Knecht
     (Submitted by Elizabeth Melvin CCLT7 – 2010)
Article (humor)

2012 05 26


DEBORAH MILLAR:  (1957 to 2012)
Finding her authentic voice, speaking her truth

     (Submitted by Siobhan Robinsong, GHC & HNC Director)

Artticle & Audio Interview


2012 02 21


How to sing ~ Bob Chilcott
     (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)

YouTube Video


2012 02 10 7 Ways to be a better singer ~ Chris Rowbury
     (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
FaceBook Post
2008 05 01

Singing, Health & Community

Link & Submitter 
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of

        (Submitted by Ava Williams, a young music student
        who liked  this page and wanted to add to it.)


Web list
20170802 Barbara McAfee – Oral Singing Benefits
        (Submitted by Bill Hanson, GHC multi-night Bass etc.)
TEDx Talk (& Sing)

The Harmony Project
        (Submitted by Doug Woodall, former GHC & HNC Bass)

News Article & Video
20160425 Brian Eno – Singing:Key to a long life
        (A Facebook post by Jennifer Noxon CCLT12 – 2015)
Web Article
20151120 Feeling Isolated? Try Choral Singing
        (A Facebook post by Julia Adams CCLT9 – 2012)
Web Article
20151120 Humans’ Love For Music Explained
        (A Facebook post by Craig Green CCLT3 – 2006/7, GHC Site Visitor)
Web Article
20151113 Choir Singing improves health, happiness – and is the perfect ice-breaker
       (A Facebook post by Julia Adams CCLT9 – 2012)
Web Article
20150630 Smoking Effects: Singing A Different Tune
        (suggested by Sharon Campbell, GHC Site Visitor)
Web Article
20150213 Health Benefits of Singing
        (from a post shared on Soundings FaceBook page)
2014 0316 Why I Joined A Choir (and why it’s the best)
        (Submitted by Kitty Lloyd GHC Monday Alto)
201308 18 Singing Changes Your Brain
        (Submitted by Denis Donnelly GHC & Soundings Director)
2013 07 09 Singers’ Hearts Beat As One
        (Submitted by Myrna Fisher GHC Tuesday Alto)
2013 04 25 Singing and psychological well-being
        (Submitted by Anu Patel GHC & Soundings Alto)
2011 11 16 Singing in a choir ‘brings both health and happiness’
        (Submitted by Anu Patel GHC & Soundings Alto)
2010 10 01 ‘Oxytocin and singing’:
When we sing together, our bodies release oxytocin, the hormone that creates bonding, trust and love. There’s lots on the internet about it.  The link above takes you to a Google search results page on it.
        (Siobhan Robinsong, GHC & HNC Founding Director
        From her Oct 1/10 newsletter Admin Notes)
2010 08 11 Music benefits the brain, research reveals
        (Submitted by Matti Anttila GHC Bass)
2010 07 08 Damaged Brains Re-Wired By Singing
        (Submitted by Matti Anttila GHC Bass)
2010 04 30 The Benefits Of Singing
        (Submitted by Anu Patel GHC & Soundings Alto)
2010 02 12 A Tip from the Happiness Project
        (Submitted by Vanessa Richards CCLT 6 – 2009/10)
2009 11 20 Sing Two Songs And Call Me In The Morning
        (Submitted by Susan Lea GHC Tuesday Alto)
2009 08 28

What Do Singing, Throats And The Vagus Nerve Have To Do With Orgasm?
        (Submitted anonymously by a bashful Bass)

2009 06 19 Belting Out Home On The Range
        (Submitted by Gertie Jocksch, GHC Monday Soprano)
2008 10 22 The Amazing Power Of Music 
      (Submitted by Matti Anttila, former GHC Bass)
Web Page
2008 08 26 Keeping body and soul in tune  
      (submitted by: Denis Donnelly)
2008 05 01
2008 05 01
2008 05 01
How Singing Unlocks The Brain Article
2008 05 01
The Singing-Health Connection Article
2008 05 01 Make A Joyful Noise Article
2008 05 01 The Music Species Article

General Sources

Link & Submitter 
(from editor if not otherwise specified)
Type of
20200515 A Musical Playground for Kids: Music Theory Lessons
     (Submitted by Anna, a Girl Scout who discovered our page and offered us another good link!)
Music Theory Lessons
20151106 Score Big With Singing Resources
     (Submitted by Lindsay Harmon, a visitor to this page)
Web links page
20150717 Singing Ourselves Home by Sophia Efthimiou
     (From a FaceBook post by Marion Van Namen CCLT9 2012)
TEDx Video
20150407 The Importance Of Choir by “John Rutter”
     (Submitted independently by: Tom Ovanin HNC Bass & Mary Lynch HNC, and former GHC, Soprano)
YouTube Video
20150227 Tunes that we carry by “Rebel with a label maker” blogger
     (Linked from a FaceBook post by Kathy Green CCLT11 2014)
Blog post
20150204 Recording during singing workshops and choir rehearsals – why, what and when?
     (Submitted by Cari Burdett CCLT3 – 2006/7)
Web Page
20141013 CBC’s DNTO – Why Singing Is Powerful
     (Submitted by Don Elliott GHC Monday Bass)
Radio Podcast
20140930 Use what talents you possess….
     (From sharings on FaceBook)
20140820 The Benefits Of Singing
     (From the Daily Om web site sent in by Lynn Goodacre a friend of a choir member)
2014 0502 One Anthem One Country
     (From FaceBook post by Marion Van Namen CCLT9 2012)
Artticle & Video
2014 0502 7 Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Singing With Others
     (From FaceBook post by Marion Van Namen CCLT9 2012)
2013 12 17 A Capella Music & Theatre
     (with thanks to Zoe of for the link)
Web Page
2013 06 07 ‘Imperfect Harmony’:
How Singing With Others Changes Your Life

     (Submittee by Denis Donnelly GHC & Soundings Director and Arranger
NPR Radio interview
2013 01 30 Testimonial for musicians ~ Liz Young (Davis, CA)
     (Submittee by Laura Sandage CCLT8 2011
2012 04 06 What do we mean by “community choir?” ~ Chris Rowbury
     (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
Blog Article
2012 03 22 There are plenty of good reasons to sing
~ Chris Rowbury
     (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
Blog Article
2012 02 10 From the front of the choir ~ Chris Rowbury
Thoughts from a freelance community choir leader in the UK
     (Submitted by Bill Hanson)
Blog Articles List
2011 09 11 Boston Conservatory Welcoming Address
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2011 05 17 Does Singing Make You Happy?
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2011 02 02 Your brain on improv
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2011 01 21 Why we love music
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, Soundings & GHC Alto/Tenor)
2010 12 10 Harmonizing with the Universe
      (Submitted by Robin June Hood, GHC Soprano)
2010 01 08 Why We Sing by Derrick Ashong
      (Submitted by Anu Patel, GHC & Soundings Alto)
2009 03 04 World Harmony Folk
      (added as a link exchange)
Web Site
2008 09 19 Freestyling by: Brian Eno    
      (submitted by: Craig Green, CCLT 3 – 2006/7)
2008 05 13
A – Z of Singing Articles Web Site
2008 05 13
Explore Your Voice Web Site
2008 05 13
Voice Studio Web Site
2008 05 13 Amazing videos of vocal chords in action Video Clips
2008 05 13 Love To Sing ~ Singing thoughts & tips Web Site